For this project, we used a dataset from the swiss government. The data is available to the public and can be downloaded here:
The data set contains multiple formats for the data. One can choose of the following formats:
Due to the fact that the CSV-file did not include as many data as the JSON and XTF files, we choose the JSON format for our project.
In the following code section, a single accident entry is shown:
"type" : "Feature",
"geometry" : {
"type" : "Point",
"coordinates" : [ 8.52932024, 47.36851152, 0 ]
"properties" : {
"AccidentUID" : "9FD6441F802C20A6E0430A865E3320A6",
"AccidentType" : "at0",
"AccidentType_de" : "Schleuder- oder Selbstunfall",
"AccidentType_fr" : "dérapage ou perte de maîtrise",
"AccidentType_it" : "Incidente di sbandamento o per colpa propria",
"AccidentType_en" : "Accident with skidding or self-accident",
"AccidentSeverityCategory" : "as3",
"AccidentSeverityCategory_de" : "Unfall mit Leichtverletzten",
"AccidentSeverityCategory_fr" : "accident avec blessés légers",
"AccidentSeverityCategory_it" : "Incidente con feriti leggeri",
"AccidentSeverityCategory_en" : "Accident with light injuries",
"AccidentInvolvingPedestrian" : "false",
"AccidentInvolvingBicycle" : "true",
"AccidentInvolvingMotorcycle" : "false",
"RoadType" : "rt433",
"RoadType_de" : "Nebenstrasse",
"RoadType_fr" : "route secondaire",
"RoadType_it" : "Strada secondaria",
"RoadType_en" : "Minor road",
"AccidentLocation_CHLV95_E" : "2682382",
"AccidentLocation_CHLV95_N" : "1246980",
"CantonCode" : "ZH",
"MunicipalityCode" : "0261",
"AccidentYear" : "2011",
"AccidentMonth" : "1",
"AccidentMonth_de" : "Januar",
"AccidentMonth_fr" : "janvier",
"AccidentMonth_it" : "Gennaio",
"AccidentMonth_en" : "January",
"AccidentWeekDay" : "aw406",
"AccidentWeekDay_de" : "Samstag",
"AccidentWeekDay_fr" : "samedi",
"AccidentWeekDay_it" : "Sabato",
"AccidentWeekDay_en" : "Saturday",
"AccidentHour" : "01",
"AccidentHour_text" : "01h-02h"