
All details about the used datasource can be found here.


For this project, we used a dataset from the swiss government. The data is available to the public and can be downloaded here:

Road traffic accidents in switzerland

140,000 Data items
3892 Cup of Coffee
717,801 Lines of data
35 Data points per accident

Data format

The data set contains multiple formats for the data. One can choose of the following formats:

  • JSON
  • CSV
  • XTF

Due to the fact that the CSV-file did not include as many data as the JSON and XTF files, we choose the JSON format for our project.

In the following code section, a single accident entry is shown:

	"type" : "Feature",
	"geometry" : {
		"type" : "Point",
		"coordinates" : [ 8.52932024, 47.36851152, 0 ]
	"properties" : {
		"AccidentUID" : "9FD6441F802C20A6E0430A865E3320A6",
		"AccidentType" : "at0",
		"AccidentType_de" : "Schleuder- oder Selbstunfall",
		"AccidentType_fr" : "dérapage ou perte de maîtrise",
		"AccidentType_it" : "Incidente di sbandamento o per colpa propria",
		"AccidentType_en" : "Accident with skidding or self-accident",
		"AccidentSeverityCategory" : "as3",
		"AccidentSeverityCategory_de" : "Unfall mit Leichtverletzten",
		"AccidentSeverityCategory_fr" : "accident avec blessés légers",
		"AccidentSeverityCategory_it" : "Incidente con feriti leggeri",
		"AccidentSeverityCategory_en" : "Accident with light injuries",
		"AccidentInvolvingPedestrian" : "false",
		"AccidentInvolvingBicycle" : "true",
		"AccidentInvolvingMotorcycle" : "false",
		"RoadType" : "rt433",
		"RoadType_de" : "Nebenstrasse",
		"RoadType_fr" : "route secondaire",
		"RoadType_it" : "Strada secondaria",
		"RoadType_en" : "Minor road",
		"AccidentLocation_CHLV95_E" : "2682382",
		"AccidentLocation_CHLV95_N" : "1246980",
		"CantonCode" : "ZH",
		"MunicipalityCode" : "0261",
		"AccidentYear" : "2011",
		"AccidentMonth" : "1",
		"AccidentMonth_de" : "Januar",
		"AccidentMonth_fr" : "janvier",
		"AccidentMonth_it" : "Gennaio",
		"AccidentMonth_en" : "January",
		"AccidentWeekDay" : "aw406",
		"AccidentWeekDay_de" : "Samstag",
		"AccidentWeekDay_fr" : "samedi",
		"AccidentWeekDay_it" : "Sabato",
		"AccidentWeekDay_en" : "Saturday",
		"AccidentHour" : "01",
		"AccidentHour_text" : "01h-02h"